Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Top SEO Interview Questions for Freshers 2018

Search Engine Optimization has always been an important part of any website. In order to attract a good amount of traffic through your content plan, SEO is definitely crucial. If you are thinking of building a career in SEO then do go ahead as there are a lot of jobs available in the market for SEO strategist. In this blog, you will find SEO interview questions that will help you prepare. Here you will find SEO MCQs with answers that will give you the foundation.

Top SEO Interview Questions for Freshers 2018

I have listed below 20 important SEO MCQs with answers that will help you prepare for the interview.

1. Which form of redirect/meta tag will transfer the most authority to the directed page?

  1. Canonical
  2. 302
  3. 301
Answer: 3

2. Which on-page element carries the most weight for SEO?

  1. The meta keywords tag
  2. The title tag
  3. The headers (H1, H2, H3, etc)
Answer: 2

3. What does the term “fat head” refer to?

  1. A really mean marketer
  2. Search phrases over two words in length
  3. Search phrases equal to or under two words in length
Answer: 3

4. Which of these factors will affect your ranking for local-focused queries?

  1. A crawlable, correctly formatted address on your website
  2. The number of Facebook fans you have in the area
  3. The location of your website’s server
Answer: 1

5. What do the acronyms PA, DA, and PR stand for?

  1. Personal authority, domain authority, parked rename
  2. Page authority, domain age, page rank
  3. Page authority, domain authority, page rank
Answer: 3

6. Which of the following tactics can harm your search rankings?

  1. Adding navigation links to your page’s template
  2. Using text that is the same color as your page’s background
  3. Linking to your site from other websites
Answer: 2

7. What website provides details of search-engine-specific HTML markup that all major engines have agreed upon?

Answer: 2

8. What are the names of the three latest and largest algorithm updates Google has released?

  1. Venice, Pippa, Orca
  2. Vince, Panda, Penguin
  3. Chrome, Bluesteel, Titan
Answer: 2

9. The number of characters recommended for Title Tag?

  1. 120
  2. 250
  3. 70
  4. 100
Answer: 3

10. Which query will give the list of web pages indexed by a particular search engine on given domain

  1. list:
  2. link:
  3. webpage:
  4. site:
Answer: 4

11. If a website’s search engines get saturated with respect to a particular search engine by 20%, what is it exactly?

  1. 20% of the web pages of the website have been indexed by the search engine
  2. 20% of the website’s pages will never be indexed
  3. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine
  4. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most important search terms
Answer: 1

12. What is anchor text?

  1. It is the main body of text on a particular web page
  2. The text within the left or top panel of a web page
  3. It is the visible text that is hyperlinked to another page
  4. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page
Answer: 3

13. Which of the following free tools could help you identify which city in the world has the largest search for the keyword – “Infinity War”?

  1. Google Home
  2. Alexa
  3. Google Trends
  4. WordTracker
Answer: 4

14. What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability?

  1. Blue hat techniques
  2. Orange hat techniques
  3. Grey hat techniques
  4. Shady hat techniques
Answer: 3

15. Which statement from the below options are true when it comes to RSS?

  1. It is an XML form
  2. This is Realtime streamlined syndication
  3. Displaying static information
  4. It is a Linux technology
Answer: 1

16. Which of the following search engines offers a list of the top 50 most searched keywords?

  1. AOL
  2. Yahoo
  3. Google
  4. Lycos
Answer: 4

17. Which of the below options are called as appropriate Keyword Density?

  1. 0.1-3%
  2. 7-9.5%
  3. 3-4%
  4. 01-0.1%
Answer: 3

18. A Hallway Page is used to:

  1. Attract visitors straight onto the Hallway Page from the search engines
  2. Organizes the Doorway Pages
  3. Guides people navigate to different Doorway Pages
  4. Enables search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages
Answer: 4

19. Google was founded in which year?

  1. 4th September 1998
  2. 9th September 1985
  3. 4th September 1989
  4. 6th September 1995
Answer: 1

20. How much time period is required to get a Google page ranking?

  1. 2 week
  2. 1 week
  3. 2 months
  4. More than 3 months
Answer: 4
Now that you have got a sufficient set of questions along with the answers, try to memorize all of them and nail the interview.  It is important to be clear about all the concepts and then go for the SEO executive interview. So be prepared and be ready. All the best, you are just about to get your dream job!

Top SEO Interview Questions for Freshers 2018

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