Thursday, July 23, 2020

How to Track Down Lost Friends Online

It can be a challenge to retrace relatives or old friends you’ve lost touch with. If you know where to look, you might get lucky online. There are more people on social networks than ever, as well as different websites and databases that can help you track down lost friends. 

On, you enter the person’s full name, city, and state, and soon, you’ll have a wealth of facts at your fingertips. Of course, the more you remember about them, the better. Gather all the information you can get and any photos you have. If you remember where they were born and/or where they live now, your prospects of locating them are excellent. 

It might help to use photos. Get old photos on paper scanned at a copy shop or photograph them with your phone and search for them online. 

Check Social Media 

Facebook is well worth using to locate a lost friend considering it has more than 2 billion users at present. People with private profiles won’t show up in the search. Still, it’s worth a shot. Type your friend’s name in the top search bar on the site. Scroll down the list, depending on how many results come up. Watch out for familiar pictures. 

Then, narrow down the search based on workplace, location, education, or (ideally) mutual friends. This is done in the top menu by clicking on People. 

Use any recollections of your friend’s hobbies or interests to make finding them easier. Search for the name of a club they were in on Facebook. In the top menu, you’ll see Groups. There might be a group for an organization they were members of. If there is, you could post a message to members of the group to ask about your friend.   

The social medium with the next-highest number of users is Instagram (one billion). Most users have real photos, but many don’t use their real names. Looking at pictures can help you locate them. To see what you get, search for any special interests they had/have. Don’t miss their hashtags, as these can deliver a wealth of information.

To search Instagram, you need to create your own account. This might benefit you. By posting a few of your own pictures, the medium might suggest your lost friend as someone to follow based on your hobbies. 

Albeit having far fewer users than both Instagram and Facebook, Twitter is still worth trying. If you want to talk to anyone on the site, you will need to sign up, but there’s no need for membership just to search. You can search for your friend by name in the top right-hand corner. To narrow your search down to people, click on People. 

Search Google 

You’ve obviously thought of that, and you could get lucky by typing in their full name if they have an unusual one. You need to add more information if their name is common. You could try looking for their name in conjunction with a significant other, one of their preferred activities, their last job, or the company you remember them working for. It might help to attempt different combinations of these terms.

Search for Reverse Image 

Google also offers reverse image searches. If you keep a photo of your friend, these searches could well yield some results. This feature will search for similar photos online and display the site they were found on, which could help you find them more easily. 

Check LinkedIn

If you haven’t already, look on LinkedIn, the Facebook alternative for professionals. If you know anything at all about where your friend has worked, that will certainly help, because users can enter their work history on this medium. Of course, they need to have a LinkedIn profile for this to work, just like Facebook. To obtain access to the site’s full user database, you’ll need to sign up. Once you’ve done so, go to the top of the main page. You will find the Search Bar there. Enter your lost friend’s name in it. You can enter as much information as you have, such as connections and previous employers, on the right-hand side of the page.

Search the Invisible Web 

Last but not least, you can always try a Pipl search to find the information contained in the so-called invisible web. You might be surprised, but Google doesn’t know everything. There is lots of info it can’t see for various reasons. One is that you need to log in to some sites to access their information. Another is that deliberate efforts have been made by designers to thwart the search engine. As its name suggests, Pipl focuses on people, so enter their location and name to see if anything comes up. The former is particularly helpful because of how much data on people living in the USA is available.  

from TechGYD.COM



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