Saturday, November 16, 2019

Amazon Not Happy About Losing US Pentagon JEDI Contract To Microsoft; Will Protest Decision

Back nearing the end of October, Amazon lost out to Microsoft in a bid to win a very lucrative US$10 billion (~RM41.5 billion) contract from the US Pentagon known as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or JEDI. Unsurprisingly, the online retailer and e-commerce site is clearly unhappy about losing the bid and is reportedly planning on protesting the decision.

According to reports, Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon, says that his company was initially one of the top contenders for the project. However, Bezos says that his company was given the boot due to US President Trump allegedly getting directly involved with the bidding process. Even more intriguing is Bezos’ claim that he has evidence of President Trumps’ involvement.

President Trump’s disdain for Amazon is something of an open secret; James Mattis, the former Defense Secretary of the US, wrote in one of his recently published book that Trump had once said “Screw Amazon” to him, in regards to the JEDI contract.

At this point in time, Amazon hasn’t specified when it intends to begin its protest. Ultimately, it looks as though Bezos merely wishes to restart the entire bidding process for JEDI contract and thus giving itself a “proper” chance at winning the US government contract.

(Source: WSJ CNBC, Hot Hardware, Techspot // Image: @parsa_s via Medium)

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