Friday, November 8, 2019

7 Tips for Creating a Modern Workplace 

If you were to compare the offices we work on today with the ones our parents used to work on, you’d see almost no similarities. While some decades ago offices were filled with men that punched the clock at 9 and worked bending over their papers until 5, today’s workspaces are more diverse, flexible, and overall different.

Those changes didn’t happen overnight. Millennial and centennial culture slowly reshaped workplaces to their needs and likes so much so that companies now are compelled to go with the flow—or risk missing out on the biggest talent out there. From graphic designers and influencers to Java developers and customer representatives, modern professionals are now demanding that brands step up to the challenge to offer them comfortable spaces that are adapted to today’s world.

If you are trying to lure that young talent to your office, then you definitely need to follow these 7 tips. Read on!

1 – Be flexible

A lot of people used to talk about 9 to 5 jobs back in the day and for a reason. Almost all office jobs from the past used to cover that time frame. However, that expression has quickly become dated in favor of a more flexible approach to working hours, and a working ethos in general. You can point to the rise of the freelancing culture and the gig economy as the major reasons for that.

Today, more and more people are expecting to benefit from some sort of flexibility in their jobs. This mainly comes in the form of home office days and flexible hours. Both of those things ensure that people can work remotely and in the schedule they see fit. The idea behind this is to increase productivity by boosting people’s comfort and allowing them to manage their own time.

Modern Workplace 

This allows people to balance their professional and personal lives, taking their own needs into account. Of course, from the company’s perspective, this means that you’ll have to redefine how you measure a worker’s productivity. Gone are the days when hours were what counted. Today, a lot of jobs (especially those related to IT, like Java development or tech support) are measured by objectives rather than hours, in a paradigm shift that’s already happening.

2 – Consider your employee’s private lives

By now, you’ve probably read that younger people (especially the so-called millennials) see work-life balance as one of the most valuable things when job hunting.  This is due to several reasons, from seeing a balance between private and professional lives as a success on its own to being “always-on” and ready to work. 

That’s why many companies are fostering a workplace that respects their employees’ private lives. The flexibility we discussed above plays a major role here. That’s because it allows your workforce to accommodate last-minute issues, like taking their kids to the doctor or helping an elderly parent with an unexpected problem without worrying about having problems at work.

But that’s not all it takes to encourage a work-life balance. Your company should also accompany them in their personal interests. Seemingly small things like allowing them to leave early on their family’s birthdays, congratulating them on some awards won in their hobbies, or simply taking an interest in their academic classes can go a long way. All these “minor” things can increase your employees’ loyalty, making them feel welcomed and taken care of.

3 – Offer professional training and personal development

The 2 previous tips converge into this one. If you truly want to show how much you worry about your employees, training them and helping them in their development should be essential in your company. You should offer training courses on new technologies and skills that boost your employees’ productivity and increase their abilities. 

Additionally, you should offer some things that aren’t necessarily job-related but that can impact your workforce’s morale and create a more positive office environment. Some modern companies arrange yoga classes or organize cooking classes—some even throw after office parties during stressful processes or during peak seasons.

All of this shows that you care about your employees’ development, both professionally and personally. Those instances allow you to engage with them, enhance your company’s overall skills, and ultimately boost your employees’ loyalty.  It’s a win-win situation for everyone. 

4 – Adopt new technology

This is a tip that, say, a Java development outsourcing company already follows naturally. That’s because there are certain industries and fields that are more prone to adopt new technology to stay ahead and enjoy a competitive edge. However, if you aren’t in those industries or fields, embracing new technologies is something you should keep in your agenda.

That’s because young professionals and new talents are always up to date with the latest tools and platforms that could benefit them in their daily activities. If you can’t provide them with these new technologies or, worst, if you don’t even know them, these professionals will see you as outdated and out of touch and start looking for a company that feels more modern.

This doesn’t just apply to communication, management, or productivity tools. Climate control, security, privacy, and lighting technologies, among many other devices from the Internet of Things, are becoming a must for modern workplaces. All of them combine to make your employees feel like they work for a brand that’s as dynamic and vibrant as them.

5 – Reduce tedious tasks to a minimum

This might seem harder than it actually seems. Some employers believe that tediousness is part of their jobs, so employees will have to suck it up. Some accounting firms still rely on complicated paperwork, some retailers still use legacy software to track their sales, some Java development services still feel their coders have to work everything from scratch. It doesn’t have to be like that.

New technology allows you to limit the number of repetitive tasks to a minimum. In fact, certain cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics, and blockchain can help in automating tasks ranging from enforcing contracts and agreements to detecting emerging user trends and writing software scripts.

Technology doesn’t just work for tasks as specific as those. There are certain tools to better manage teams, improve communication, organize projects, automate social media, and take care of customer requests. All of this alleviate the stress these tedious tasks put on your employees, allowing them to take on more challenging or rewarding tasks that motivate them more.

6 – Have a mission and values

According to a recent Deloitte survey, young professionals have high esteem for companies that align with their mission and values. Among the most cited ones, a commitment to the environment is the main one but it’s far from the only one. Millennials and Gen Zs want to work for companies that are transparent, fair to their employees, involved in their local communities, and that follow sustainable practices. 

All of this can mean a lot of different things. It can mean that you should take a look into how you manufacture your products to check how to reduce your environmental impact. It can imply that you should advertise in trusted media. It might mean that you should take part in social movements through funding or direct action. 

In a few words, young professionals are looking for companies that stick to their beliefs, no matter what. So, if you’re to modernize your workplace, knowing who you are and what you stand for and actually walking the walk and talking the talk can get you a long way. 

7 – Create a diverse team

If you read the introduction to this article with enough attention, you surely see where this is going. The male-dominated office is a thing of the past. Today, more and more brands are incorporating people from all kinds of backgrounds, ensuring that everyone has the same opportunities. Modern professional highly value that approach.

In fact, young professionals are actively looking to work for companies that have people of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and skill levels. Diversity has become an essential aspect of modern workplaces since it provides different opinions and perspectives, enriching the office environment.

So, it’s important for you to open yourself to diversity through your hiring practices. Don’t limit your job openings to certain kinds of people just out of tradition or out of prejudices. Understanding what different people can bring to your table is key and will freshen up your company’s atmosphere as well as show that you’re committed to providing equal opportunities.

Summing all up

All of the tips we’ve shared above are what you need to take into account to stay competitive. In today’s world, talent is looking way beyond a steady salary or a long-term relationship with its employers. Young professionals want flexible companies that value them as individuals and that invest in them in all sorts of ways.

Having competitive salaries or nice-looking offices isn’t enough anymore. Providing a relaxed and open-minded atmosphere that fosters creativity and brings out the best of everyone is the only way you can get employees that will love to work for you and that will stick with you throughout the years.  

Read Full Article Here - 7 Tips for Creating a Modern Workplace 

from TechGYD.COM



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