Saturday, October 26, 2019

Buying a New Laptop? Avoid These 5 Mistakes

If you’re a digital enthusiast — which is a nicer way of saying that you’re a proud geek — then buying a new laptop is like being a kid in a candy store. The selection is enormous, the range of features is vast, and there are colors and sizes to suit every preference. 

However, for some people, the laptop buying experience turns out to be regrettable instead of rewarding — and it’s because they made one, some, or all of these mistakes:


Not Focusing on What they Need


Do you know how some people — yes, it’s almost always men — head to the car dealership to buy a nice, down-to-earth minivan for their family, but end up driving out in a stylish two-door sports coupe that won’t even haul groceries? 

Well, many laptop shoppers do the same thing when they get so “wowed” with elements like design and form factor, that they neglect to focus on what really matters: getting a laptop that does what they need it to. For example, they end up buying a laptop with a 11-inch screen, which is fine for occasional surfing or streaming, but it’s pretty dreadful for working on documents like spreadsheets, analyzing CSS code, writing an ebook on improving collaboration skills, and so on.

Buying a New Laptop


Going for the Cheapest Price


There is nothing wrong with trying to get a good deal; heck, getting a great deal is even better. But some laptop shoppers cross the line and end up buying a laptop that fits their budget, but doesn’t (as discussed above) fit their needs. As the old saying goes: you get what you pay for. 


Not Paying Attention to Ports


If you listen closely on a quiet day, you might hear a screaming sound in the distance. That’s not a flock of birds in the sky. It’s the wailing and moaning of folks who purchased a laptop that doesn’t have enough USB and HDMI ports.


Ignoring Battery Life


Frantically searching for power outlets is a miserable and sometimes futile experience. The bad news is that, sooner or later, laptop buyers will need to plug in and re-charge. But the good news is that they can wisely ensure that they get a laptop that has enough juice to keep them on the grid for many hours.


Not Paying Attention to Hard Drive Size


 Last but certainly not least: for reasons that are frankly inexplicable, there are many laptops on the market that have a 32GB hard drive, which is astonishingly small for even the most basic requirements — like keeping Windows updated, installing anti-virus and anti-malware software, running Office 365, and so on. Basically, avoid anything under 64GB or else be prepared to face an endless quest to create more hard drive space.

The Bottom Line

Buying a new laptop should be fun and satisfying — after all, it’s not something you get to do very often. By keeping the above warnings in mind, you’ll dramatically increase the chances of being happy with your purchase vs. wishing you had a time machine to undo the damage. 

Read Full Article Here - Buying a New Laptop? Avoid These 5 Mistakes

from TechGYD.COM



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