Thursday, June 18, 2020

10 Conversion Optimization Strategies to Consider While Developing a Mobile App

When we talk about CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), it’s about understanding what users are looking for when they arrive at your website and giving it to them. If you’re creating a conversion optimization plan for your mobile app, you need to understand what you are measuring and attempting to optimize. So, let’s take a walkthrough of a few effective conversion optimization strategies before launching your mobile application. 

Let’s get started with the #1 conversion optimization strategy!

Conversion Optimization strategies to consider while developing a mobile app

1. Use Lead- Capture Forms

A lead capture form is all about asking viewers to submit their email addresses before they can see your flipbook. A key component, lead capture form, impacts the website’s conversion rate. It allows you to collect leads. By using a lead-capture form, you can track who accesses your content and how they interact with it.  It is one of the most critical points of funnel, as these forms are the final interaction separating your leads from non-leads. 

Tools like Leadformly makes easier to create high-converting lead-capture forms. Driving customers from the beginning of the purchase funnel is essential. However, there is a common mistake done by marketers of no consideration or little of optimizing conversions in the last stages. The lead-capture forms have a more significant impact if we consider its ability to convert. 

2. Create Text-based CTAs

A text-based call-to-action is a standalone line of text linked to the landing page. It’s a good practice to include CTAs in mobile apps. This is because users often ignore banner-like information. Thus, it lacks attention because users don’t always read all the way to the bottom, meaning a different approach is required. 

That’s where the text-based CTA comes in handy. A text-based CTA is a standalone line of text linked to a landing page and styled as an H3 or H4 to see if they would convert more traffic into leads than regular CTAs located as the bottom of a web page. 

mobile apps

3. Influence and convince users using social proof and FOMO

FOMO stands for ‘fear of missing out’ and is leading a lot of actions that we do online today. It’s what is pushing a lot of users to keep checking their Facebook timeline and taking their devices wherever they go. However, FOMO is not a new thing at all and can be applied to pretty much every area of our lives. There is a fear that we could be in a better job, a better relationship, and living in a better home or city. 

It’s a powerful strategy that can be implemented on the landing page of a mobile app. For instance, making offers exclusive for a specific time only period or telling your users, they are missing out if they are not pursuing actions in a particular time. 

It’s simple to apply, for example, stating exactly how long someone can take advantage of the offer or how many products are left before running out of stock. 

Also, using social proof can leverage other people and their influence to push users to achieve conversion goals. For example, celebrities, crowds, generic users are other factors that influence other behavior. Testimonials are powerful and can decide to show up in specific pages to push for easier and faster decisions. For a greater credibility, you can easily include real attributions, photos, and video testimonials. 

4. Don’t forget to utilize social media

Social media plays a massive role in increasing conversions. Visually enhancing social media channels not only penetrates the audience at a micro level but keeps them tied with your product. It also enhances brand engagement and social media boosts the number of followers with constant 24×7 engagement. 

5. Use videos to make users stick with the products

Videos are no longer a magical marketing tactic; however, it has become a powerful tool for communicating your brand story, explaining your value proposition, and building relationships with your customers and prospects in all marketing funnels. According to the study, the average attention span is 8 seconds, down from 12 seconds in 2000. In short, businesses have only 8 seconds to capture users’ attention with landing pages. 

All you need to make sure is hosting is fast enough and content that engages the audience quickly. Using videos to engage users by telling a company’s story is a great way to interact with them. Either it can be hand-drawn or digital drawings; videos always provide businesses a way to clearly and effectively convey their value proposition. 

As per a study from shows the use of video on landing pages has the power to increase conversion by 80%. Videos increase the time users stay on a page, giving offers extra time to sink in. Those viewers who have the option of reading text or watching videos will usually choose to watch the video. 

Using a secret arsenal like a video on your landing page can help customers learn about your business and keep their attention and push them to buy. 

With the right script, you can maintain attention every 8 seconds that is approximately every 20 words. If you are still not convinced about the effectiveness of videos, then an average explainer video is watched for about 2.7 minutes, compared to 28% of website text shown to be read on average. 

6. Push Notifications to personalize

To increase conversion rate, you must invest time, filtered data, and expertise. In 2009, Apple launched the first push service, Apple Push Notification Service (APNs), and Google released Google Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) in 2010. These launches were a game-changer factor in mobile conversions. Push notifications affect chances of better engagement that help to improve conversion rates. 

The reason behind using push notifications is to nudge existing customers. There may be times when customers forget that they have a useful app installed. In short, push notifications generally remind the user of your existence. Using push notifications can directly affect sales app visits. Employing this conversion optimization strategy directly affects your customers’ interest level towards the app. 

7. Shorten Sign-up and payment process

If you are trying to implement a strategy to boost your mobile conversions, here’s a secret. Think about mobile app conversions as a milestone. The lengthier your entry and customer’s journey are, the harder is to boost mobile conversions. When customers like something they prefer to do is buy that product and leave as soon as possible. In case if they stay for too long, then they tend to change their decision of purchasing that product. In simple terms, you can simply lose a customer, and that is still something that you do not want. 

All you can do is to keep your signup form precise. You want to ask extremely important information that is required. It’s crucial to allow guest logins, checkouts, and enable logins. It would be great to include several payment methods to make the checkout process quicker and more straightforward. 

8. Highlight users’ must-have experiences

What kind of person is viewing the page is essential, sometimes even more than the page itself. If the audience is not converting, it may be because they arrived based on a false promise. Those users can’t convert because they are not going to stick to your website.

Put it another way. Users may not get what they are looking for. It means that your app is not matching their expectations in terms of products. You can track and understand a situation by using Google Analytics, thanks to All Traffic, Referrals, and Search Engine reports under Traffic Sources. 

9. A/B Testing

Another overlooked technique to increase the conversion rate for a mobile app is A/B testing. It allows sellers to make careful changes to their user experiences with the collected data. This technique, A/B testing, is also known as split testing. It is a method of comparing two versions of the app or website to determine which of these would perform exceptionally well. 

A/B testing makes it easier to decide which application content will be eliminated to create a better user experience. Plus, it also helps to boost mobile app conversions. 

10. Reduce Bounce & Existing Case

Understanding the bounce rate and exit rates is an important technique. A high index means a lack of engagement of users towards your app and products. If bounce and exit rates are high, it’s easy to start the analysis understanding even if users think the application is perhaps difficult to navigate. 

There’s another reason that could be related to the device they are using to navigate. As per the report by We Are Social, “46% of Internet users are surfing the net using their mobile devices.” Therefore, ignoring your mobile experience of an app can have a negative impact on your mobile app and whole business. 

Concluding Thoughts

For dramatically increasing conversions, it’s wise to employ the mentioned above strategies while developing a successful mobile app. It’s also even tactical to keep a watch on your analytics so you can make better decisions for future sales and campaign strategies. Also, don’t forget to redesign your mobile app that can boost mobile app conversions significantly. 

The success of your mobile app depends on your mobile app idea, platforms, a leading company of mobile app development in Atlanta, and the target market you are most familiar with. All you need to pick any of these fool-proof strategies that will create value for your business. 

Now, it’s your turn. Which strategy you think can boost your mobile app conversions in 2020? You can comment below to share your thoughts. 

from TechGYD.COM



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