Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ofcom's first 5G EMF study nerfs unbelievable cancer claims

5G indoor coverage

Results of the first study of 5G EMF emissions from UK telecoms watchdog Ofcom are in – and it doesn’t look like anyone’s going to get cancer from using a new 5G phone

The regulator routinely conducts tests at cellular tower sites across the UK, and, in this latest study, Ofcom has for the first time been able to measure 5G EMF (electro magnetic frequency) emissions from all four networks – EE, O2, Vodafone, and Three.

Related: What is 5G?

The results should make for welcome reading for anyone concerned about the dangers of 5G, with the possible exception of the one tinfoil-hatted habitual conspiracy theory-sharing Facebook friend everyone has.

Taking measurements at 16 sites in 10 cities across the UK, the regulator found that emissions were far within the parameters set by the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection), with the maximum measured at any site to be 1.5% of what’s considered to be a dangerous level of exposure to NIR (Non-Ionizing Radiation).

Related: Is 5G dangerous?

While these results may be encouraging, Ofcom is considering making ICNIRP compliance mandatory. On the same day that it published results of the 5G study, the regulator announced a proposal for new licence conditions for companies building or using equipment transmitting at power levels above 10W – this would include things like TV and radio broadcast equipment, as well as point-to-point microwave links, which are used by business customers are alternatives fibre optic leased lines.

While the ICNIRP is currently revising its guidelines, which were first established in 1998, a study published last August on the carcinogenic properties of EMFs and RFs (radio frequencies) associated with mobile was inconclusive.

Ofcom’s consultation on adopting ICNIRP guidelines is open now and closes on the 15th of May.

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