Saturday, January 18, 2020

Pros And Cons Of Microchipping Dogs

We may all do our very best to make our dogs happy enough to want to stay with us. The dog might be healthy and have the best possible home, but ultimately he can still go missing.

Dogs have their own minds and, for a wide variety of reasons, they can run away. Common reasons dog may escape are: 

  •     Wanting to breed
  •     Boredom
  •     Curiosity
  •     Fear
  •     Opportunity
  •     Food
  •     Wanting to chase

There is a lot we can do to prevent our pets from running away and to find a lost dog, including microchipping them.

Naturally, we all want the best for our pets and our family, and we may have reservations about putting any device into our pets.

microchipping dog

To help you make an informed decision about microchipping your pet, we take a look at the pros and cons of the practice:

First, How Do Microchips Work?

Microchips are the size of a piece of rice and they sit within bioglass and contain essential information about your pet. Once fitted, they transmit the data over radio frequencies picked up by a special machine that takes the information.

When an animal has a microchip they are implanted between their shoulder blades. The procedure is straightforward and can be done for a lower price by many rescue centers and organizations.

When the procedure is done, the information on the chip is sent to a national registry.

Animals recover extremely quickly from microchipping which is very quick and as uncomfortable as an inoculation for your pet.

The Pros & Cons Of Microchipping


  •     Microchips ensure that if your dog is lost, a shelter or animal control is able to get the animals information quickly
  •     Microchips should last the lifetime of the animal
  •     The procedure of putting the microchip into the animal is very quick
  •     The procedure of putting the microchip is minimally painful for the animal
  •     The microchip does not need the fur to be shaved to find the information, unlike an ID tattoo
  •     Lots of microchip programs work alongside successful lost and found pet programs


  •     A pet may have a reaction to the microchip procedure
  •     A microchip has a slight chance of traveling around in the area between the shoulder blades away from its original implantation site
  •     The process is not entirely painless
  •     The procedure costs money in almost all cases
  •     Some microchips are only compatible with scanners of the same manufacturer
  •     A microchip won’t help you find your dog if your information is not updated
  •     A microchip will not help if your dog has not been found
  •     There are some risks that the body of the animal could reject the microchip, although this risk is not medically backed
  •     There are some concerns about the overall healthiness of the procedure, although no concerns have been medically backed

To Microchip Or Not To Microchip

Microchipping is relied upon as one of the best methods of pet identification currently available. Most charities and organizations related to animal welfare will recommend the practice.

However, you know your dog best and you may decide that the cons of microchipping just aren’t worth it for you.

If you do decide to avoid microchipping then it makes sense to ensure that your pet has up-to-date information on his ID collar at all times.

You can find additional information about keeping your dog safe here. It is also helpful to speak to a vet you trust about the process to ensure you are completely informed before you make any final decisions.

Read Full Article Here - Pros And Cons Of Microchipping Dogs

from TechGYD.COM



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