Monday, January 20, 2020

5 Tips So That Your Website Never Falls

There are countless reasons why websites fall down. If your website goes down, it does not mean that there is a problem with your site or that there is no solution. Although there are some common reasons why sites fall, they can all be solved with a bit of prevention.

Fortunately, keeping your site online is almost entirely in your hands. Here we share five tips to make sure your website never falls.

Choose a reliable hosting

Web hosting has a very important role in the life of your site. In order to keep your website to be always online and available, it is necessary that you have a hosting or hosting with the necessary capacity to store it. When choosing your hosting company, keep in mind the traffic you expect to have on your site. Even if you’re starting think big, if you choose a poor quality hosting or limited capacity, your website has a higher risk of falling constantly.


It incorporates a CDN

CDN or Content Delivery Network is a network of servers that deliver website content statically to visitors: content delivery is determined by the location of each web visitor. Using the locations closest to the users, the CDNs allow you to download the traffic from the content servers, decreasing the likelihood of failure on those servers and that your site goes down.

Keep Your Site Updated

If your site has add-ons, whether templates, themes, plugins, etc., that are not up to date, you run the risk of suffering an attack and staying offline. Always make sure all your add-ons are in their most recent version. If you don’t know if your site uses add-ons, or you don’t know which ones you have, tools like WP Theme Detector can help you detect what add-ons your page has and keep them updated.

Consider incorporating a monitoring system

The downtime on your website can bring you both monetary and productivity problems. Monitoring systems help you by notifying you every time your site suffers a disconnection. So if you are not sure that your site has fallen or if it fell and you do not know why, they will help you diagnose the problem. By using a website outage checker, you can avoid downtime and the consequences that this entails.

Do not ignore to restore your hosting and domain

Sometimes the basic things are the easiest to forget. Many times when hiring hosting companies or when buying our domains, we do not choose automatic renewal, and both have expiration periods. Be sure to set up automatic renewal, or if you don’t want to commit, write the expiration dates of your domain and hosting on your calendar.

Keeping your site protected against any cause of disconnection is the best way to ensure that it does not fall. An offline site, apart from being frustrating, negatively impacts both your image and the operations of your business. Protect yourself, know well the details of your website, your suppliers and expiration dates, the more you know about the variables that make the sites fall, you will have more control to prevent or correct your website from falling.

Read Full Article Here - 5 Tips So That Your Website Never Falls

from TechGYD.COM



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