Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Aflix CEO: You Don’t Love Children If You Don’t Want Netflix To Be Censored

The CEO of Aflix TV, Fadzil Hashim has made a statement that those who are against the censorship of Netflix content have no love for children. The remark was apparently made during an interview with a local news portal, The Malaysian Insight.

The executive has also apparently stated that if they love their kids, they should choose Aflix who claimed themselves as the world’s first ethical streaming platform and is scheduled for launch next year. While Fadzil admitted that he also a subscriber to Netflix, he argued that the streaming service’s parental control method is not good enough as parents have to watch Netflix separately from their children given the uncensored nature of the service.

Meanwhile, there is no connection between Aflix and FINAS according to Fadzil. He pointed out the meeting between both organizations took place in September well before FINAS’ CEO, Ahmad Idham made a remark regarding the need to regulate contents on digital platforms such as Netflix.

Nevertheless, he does support the statement made by Ahmad Idham. In the same report, Azarul Hakim who is the CTO of Aflix TV also supports the censorship call made by its colleague while claiming that it is something that the public wanted.

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Assalamualaikum wbt Disebabkan kekeliruan yang tercetus antara AFLIX dan FINAS, izinkan kami perjelas beberapa perkara. Kunjungan AFLIX tempoh hari ke FINAS dan bertemu dengan CEO Ahmad Idham adalah untuk perkenalkan tentang AFLIX dan business model kami. Sebagai sebuah streaming platform yang menitikberatkan kandungan berunsur etika dan moral, perjumpaan itu adalah untuk memberi ruang kepada AFLIX sebagai sebuah platform alternatif kepada penonton. Di samping itu, kami juga berbincang mengenai peluang AFLIX untuk membantu penggiat industri menjana pendapatan sampingan melalui business model kami. Untuk makluman, tiada persetujuan atau kata putus yang dimeterai antara kedua belah pihak. Semoga penjelasan ini dapat memberi gambaran jelas kepada anda. _________________________________________________________________ Assalamualaikum wbt. Due to some confusion occurred between AFLIX and FINAS, allow us to explain a few things. • • The previous visit of AFLIX to FINAS and meet CEO Ahmad Idham was to share about AFLIX and our business model. As a streaming platform that emphasises on ethical entertainment content, the meet was a way of AFLIX to give audience an alternative platform. Apart from that, we also discussed about the possibility of giving industry players an opportunity to generate passive income through our business model. As such, there are no agreement or decisions being made from both sides. We hope this explanation will give a clearer picture on this matter. Thank you #AFLIX #ethicalcontent

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Aside from Aflix TV, Fadzil is also the Group CEO of the acclaimed Islamic educational institution, Brainy Bunch. In addition to that, he also the main man behind Raudhah City which is an Islamic-oriented residential project located in Cyberjaya.

In one way, the strong statement by Aflix’s CEO has surely added another dimension to the issue of content censorship in Malaysia. Hence, we don’t think the issue will go away anytime soon as we expect more people to pitch in their thought into it, just like how another industry veteran, Norman KRU has recently expressed his opposition against the existing censorship system by LPF.

(Source: The Malaysian Insight [requires subscription].)

The post Aflix CEO: You Don’t Love Children If You Don’t Want Netflix To Be Censored appeared first on Lowyat.NET.

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