Friday, June 28, 2019

How E-Commerce Is Becoming the Only Commerce

Our modern world is interconnecting itself at such a rapid pace that in just a few short years, there would be practically nothing that isn’t hooked up to the Internet.

For some time now, people have been using the Internet to satisfy most of their shopping needs, instead of going to brick-and-mortar stores. With the ability to quickly find very specialized items that might not be available where you live, on top of the fact that storefronts with no physical locations can save big on overhead (and pass along the savings), ecommerce is growing year after year at a massive rate. Fifteen years ago, there was a sizeable population of people too wary of inputting their credit card information online. Now, that group has been completely replaced with people who have their credit card information saved and ready to go when they buy. 


Will e-commerce eventually dwarf the sales of items in physical stores? Well, in some places, we’re already there actually. Here’s why e-commerce has so much staying power:

Nearly everybody has a mobile device.

In first world countries like the U.S.A, something in the realm of 80% of residents has a smartphone. Even in third world countries, the rate of mobile usage is exceptionally high, with some people having a smartphone over amenities like a washing machine or even a microwave. Theoretically, this means that millions of people are carrying around a mobile storefront at all times, capable of serving up ads and selling them things to then be delivered in a few days.

Five minutes after feeling the desire for an item, it can be ordered and on the way. This level of convenience is something we’ve never seen before in human history. Not only that, many parts of the Internet have been designed to be as addictive as possible. Whether or not those parts sell anything themselves, they typically make money off of ads, which are, in fact, selling something. All of this makes for a very consumer-oriented online experience.

There’s more variety than in physical stores.

Physical stores are limited in their wares in many different ways. Firstly, the overhead of things like rent, water, electricity, space, and especially, staff has to be factored into the overall budget of any business. This means there’s a limited amount of items they can stock while still making a profit. All of their space is at a premium, so only high-selling items stick around in the store, as profits must be kept high. This leads to the phasing out of more niche products that can’t justify their occupation of space.

On the Internet, however, space (and space that’s presentable) is practically moot for an online retailer since some don’t even store the product themselves. Instead, they wait for it to be ordered to have it made or brought into their possession. This makes for just about any product to be advertised and sold on the Internet, so long as there’s enough of demand globally for the product. Some stores might have a product you want in every color but the one you decided on. With e-commerce, that’s an issue of the past.


E-commerce is very rapidly taking over the marketplace when it comes to any goods that aren’t perishable, and even grocery stores are being given a run for their money by some local produce delivery services in major cities. People quickly realize that a t-shirt stand on the side of the road can only sell t-shirts to those in the immediate area, but those who have a virtual t-shirt stand on the Internet can sell shirts to the world.

Read Full Article Here - How E-Commerce Is Becoming the Only Commerce

from TechGYD.COM



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