Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Simple Tricks To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

Nobody writes a blog solely for themselves. It goes without saying that if you are writing words on a publicly accessible platform that there is the goal of having it reach an audience. If the idea was to keep it private them, you would write a diary. So, if you have decided to produce a blog, whatever your motivations may be, then you need to find a way to reach the largest audience possible. You might not be looking to make money out of the site, but a blog with no users is a waste of time; so, here are a few ideas to help you grow your audience.

Spend to bring

A good way of letting people know about your platform is through buying an audience. In short, this means spending a bit of money to send targeted advertisements to relevant potential readers. Enlist the help of somebody who offers Google adwords services and let them know what you are trying to accomplish. In other words, what is your budget and who are the people that you would expect to be reading your page. What are their interests, their age, their gender and their location? Your expert will ensure that the write audience sees the banners you create and that you get the best possible return on spend.

Drive Traffic To Your Blog

Narrow focus

Make sure that your blog has a focus and that you stick to that focus. If you try to do too much, then the focus and meaning of the platform will be diluted and the audience lost. For example, if you want to write about mountain biking then you can talk about rides and routes and equipment and nutrition that powers performance. But don’t suddenly start writing restaurant reviews or posting holiday pictures of your trip to Mauritius. Yes, these may all be things that are important to you, and yes, the blog is your platform, but you are writing for an audience and you need to ensure that you hold your focus.

Social media

It is important to create as many touch points with your users as possible. You cannot expect them to bookmark your page initially and make your site part of their daily browsing. That is a process that takes time. But if you can get them to follow you on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, or if you can get them to commit to a newsletter sign-up, then you are increasing the channels through which you can engage and prompt them to visit you. If you don’t know how to do it yourself, you can always use the service of social media or SEO specialist. The ability to attract visitors with targeted calls to action when content is updated is important. And if the flavor and tone of the content is right then the chance of having your material go viral is large.

Regular updates

A blog site that doesn’t update regularly is a waste of time. If you want to develop a following then you need to post regularly with fresh, original and engaging content. Put yourself into the shoes of the reader: you discover the page and enjoy it, so you plan to return the following day for another read. If you come back and there is nothing new you are unlikely to return.

Read Full Article Here - Simple Tricks To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

from TechGYD.COM



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