Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: How A.I. Is Transforming Medicine
Ever wondered how A.I is changing medicine? Find out how by checking out this guide to artificial intelligence in healthcare.
The world market for artificial intelligence in healthcare is heading for staggering growth. It’s being driven by mainly North American investment. It’s expected to increase from around two billion dollars to thirty-six billion dollars by 2025.
So what’s going on here? You may already be a part of the digital healthcare revolution if you wear a fitness tracker. But, new technology is getting cleverer by the day.
Here are some of the ways that A.I. is changing the face of medicine.
Consultations Using Digital Technology
There have been some big breakthroughs that now make complex digital consultations a reality. There’s been a huge leap forward in deep learning data, for example.
There are now millions of files to draw from in an instant which help get straight to the heart of the matter. This lets systems make much better decisions about what questions need asking. They’re now also able to comprehend complicated language.
This means patients no longer have to select predefined options. These may not be totally appropriate for whatever problem they have. Used alongside A.I. in genetics, this technology now makes it far easier to direct people to the right places for help.
Robots and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Robots are able to check data from medical records as well as guide a surgeon’s instruments during an operation. This has the effect of a big reduction in the length of a person’s hospital stay.
Digital surgery tends to be less invasive, so there’s less chance of having to heal from big wounds. Studies have shown that A.I. assisted procedures can lead to fewer complications.
Robots can also draw from previous operations so that new techniques are more efficient. They allow surgeons to operate with far greater precision than ever before.
More Efficient Administration
It’s estimated that using A.I. to automate administrative work will save the healthcare system billions of dollars. Voice-to-text technology will make ordering tests and prescribing medicines much more efficient.
Some systems can analyze thousands of notes and from this create better treatment plans. It’s thought almost fifty percent of Americans are taking a prescribed drug of some sort.
Non-adherence is a major problem. This is when people don’t take their meds. Demographics, cost to the patient, and where they live all play a part in this. A.I. uses algorithmic tools to target patients who are likely to miss taking medication.
This potential cause of waste which can drive up the cost of health insurance can be averted by A.I. to some extent. Check out Agile Health review to compare private health plan options that offer great value.
Virtual Nursing Staff
The big advantage here is that virtual nurses are available 24/7. It’s estimated that the healthcare industry could save twenty billion dollars by investing in them.
Virtual nurses are able to answer questions, as well as monitor patients. They can help to reduce unnecessary hospital visits. That eases the pressure on medical professionals.
Our Futures Lie in A.I.
It’s clear that artificial intelligence in healthcare is having a massive impact on the medical treatment we all receive. It’s one of the fastest growing industries in our lifetime.
Check out other ways here that digital technology is transforming our lives.
Read Full Article Here - Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: How A.I. Is Transforming Medicine
from TechGYD.COM
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