The Psychology of the Sale in the Digital Domain
Experts estimate that more than half of all online entrepreneurs “cut their teeth” within traditional forms of sales or marketing. Perhaps they owned a franchised retail outlet in the past. They may have been involved with the telesales industry or they might have enjoyed the experience or working within a fast-paced and competitive environment. Either way, these situations are excellent breeding grounds for effective sales personnel.
They also provide individuals with the confidence that is required in order to translate these very same skills into the digital domain. However, we are talking about two different worlds entirely. How can the skills that you have picked up over the years be used in conjunction with modern technology in order to promote a specific good or service that you are offering? Although the brick-and-mortar business and the online sales portal might initially appear to represent two separate entities, the fact of the matter is that you can easily migrate your talents into the Internet domain if you know how to begin. Let us take a look at some quick tips and tricks to keep in mind.
Motion and Emotion
The physical sales process primarily revolves around developing a rapport with the end user. The ultimate goal is to convince this individual to take some form of action (this is often referred to as “motion and emotion” within the sales community. However, you no longer have a confident voice or a firm handshake to accommodate such needs. You will instead have to rely upon the power and prowess of the digital presentation. This is why your website needs to clearly illustrate what allows your products and services to stand out from their closest competitors. There are several ways in which this can be accomplished. A handful of common examples include:
– Substantial end-user discounts.
– Superior levels of customer service.
– The capability of accepting multiple payment options.
– Immediate and expert customer service if a question arises.
– A host of different products to choose from.
The main takeaway point is that you are required to perform two actions in order to increase the chances of a sale taking place. You will first need to make the public aware that your platform even exists. After all, of what use is a billboard if it is placed in a position where no one can view it? Your website and any other affiliate pages represent a digital billboard in this sense. Your second goal is to keep the interest of the visitor once he or she reaches your website. If these two scenarios are followed up by a powerful call to action, the chances of converting a visitor into a customer will increase substantially.
Still, you are only human. Are there any additional digital tools which can help to bridge the gap between an interested individual and a paying customer? The answer to this question involves the increasingly important role of cloud-based e-commerce software.
How and Why E-Commerce Platforms Can Help
The main intention of any e-commerce platform is to expedite the conversion process through the use of advanced tools and an agile framework. In the past, one of the mainstays of this community could be seen in Magento enterprise software. It offered users a host of innovative solutions based around the SaaS (software as a service) mentality and it was indeed king of the hill for quite some time. The main issue is that businesses which reached a certain growth point were normally forced to outsource important technologies such as paying for a separate hosting provider alongside similar maintenance services. Without getting into too many technical details, this would often result in business owners being more concerned with complicated in-house IT tasks as opposed to returning their efforts to developing a successful marketing campaign.
There is simply no reason why one important set of operations should have to be sacrificed for another. This is one of the core premises behind Shopify Plus. Not only is this platform designed with a user-friendly architecture in mind, but it is specifically capable of dealing with high-volume sales such as those associated with seasonal discounts or bulk order. While this efficiency goes a long way towards success, we should also mention that the scalable nature of Shopify signifies that you will not be forced to enact cumbersome changes or migrate to an entirely different provider in the future.
E-commerce is only one facet of the bigger sales and marketing picture. Still, will be impossible to enjoy success if the correct provider is not adopted. It is always possible to translate your traditional skills into the digital domain. The key is to possess the right tools of the trade and to know which providers are the best in the business.
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