Sunday, January 13, 2019

3 Ways the Cybersecurity Landscape Has Changed

Cybersecurity was once a term few people ever thought they’d need to grasp.

But technology has changed the way we communicate, work, study, shop, and live. It’s in more places and forms than anyone could’ve anticipated a few decades ago.

This means cybersecurity has changed as well.

Cybersecurity Landscape

Know the Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape to Stay Safe

Broader, more distributed, and further reaching – that’s the modern security landscape. Here are a few specific ways cybersecurity is changing.

1. Areas Like Colleges Are Now Bigger Targets

Parents or guardians sending their kids off to college have enough to worry about, but not all modern threats are physical. Colleges are hacking goldmines.

SSNs on financial aid applications? Young people, who may not be aware of the full scope of threats from data thieves, using online merchants and credit cards for the first time? Any of this data could be a classic hacker target.

Colleges are now a target of cyber attacks more than ever before. Ensuring a school’s network and internet systems have proper security is key for helping students and staff stay safe digitally at institutions of higher learning.

2. The Personalization Age Makes Threats More Personal

Technology has gone in a user-centric direction and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. While this has benefits in terms of device personalization, smart computing, and the potential for even more interactive technology, it also means data thieves have more to gain.

Even the cloud is becoming user-centric, but when a user puts more and more personal data in one spot they’re creating a bigger target. Now, even the technology we use to protect our homes can learn a lot about us, and thus pose a risk.

According to’s Gabe Turner, “…more advanced cameras can detect natural speech patterns and even learn our schedules.”

3. Global Data Privacy Rules (GDPR) Are Changing Security

Or at least the perception of security. Thanks to GDPR, which experienced a large number of security breaches in 2017, companies now know just how crucial security is to the future of their business.

Even if they were aware of the threat before, now that companies could be held liable for how they handle (or mishandle) user data, they know the risks of letting security slide.

And this could just be the beginning. New rules could facilitate new ways to handle cyber disputes – though it could also boost the demand for safer devices rather than general data rules.

Improving Cybersecurity Through Technology

Though some people worry that the growing number of cyber threats show the dangers of technology, it also shows the opportunities technology has created.

Luckily, cybersecurity experts have gone to great lengths in their effort to combat these issues. With a greater understanding of how cyberthieves think and the way they go about their attacks, it is easier to predict and defend against them.

You don’t have to be a programmer or IT professional to care about cybersecurity – and today, there’s no reason a person shouldn’t be informed about these threats.

Read Full Article Here - 3 Ways the Cybersecurity Landscape Has Changed

from TechGYD.COM



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