Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Top 30 Most Common Email Acronyms & Abbreviations You Must Be Aware Of

With the gradual evolution of humans and the accompanying facilities that everybody seems to require on a daily basis, the system of communication has also advanced to the point that contacting someone has become extremely convenient. Emails were an invention made for quite the same reason. But with more attractive ways being brought into the picture, it shifted into a more formal position. As of late, people have begun using and checking their emails more frequently for various different reasons. Mails have a different integration to it and limit the need to casually hover, which makes it more efficient.

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Email Acronyms & Abbreviations

In the busy schedule of everyday life, it makes sense to cut down the amount of time spent on messaging. For that purpose, there are many acronyms and abbreviations used by people to compose their messages faster. Knowing them will come in handy any time of the day, especially if you are an avid user of the emailing facility, whether for personal life or work-related communications. There are a few abbreviations that are also used by the email application itself. So, here are the top 30 most common email acronyms and abbreviations you must be aware of:

  1. Re: Re: is a commonly used abbreviation in the subject line of an email. It stands for “reply” or “response”. In most email applications being used, Re: is usually automatically added to the subject when the reply button is clicked.
  2. Fwd or FW: Fwd or FW in a mail means “forward”. It is an email option that allows a sender to send or forward a received email to another recipient. Also, “FW” before the subject line of a mail denotes that it is a forwarded message.
  3. CC & BCC: CC and BCC are also common abbreviations found in emails when trying to send a mail. CC stands for “Carbon Copy”. Mails are sent using this option when you send a copy of the same to more than one recipient and all of them are informed about it. BCC stands for “Blind Carbon Copy”. Mails that are sent using this option disable the recipients of the mail from being informed about the others receiving the same.
  4. NRN: NRN is a formal acronym that is sent in mails. It stands for “No Reply Necessary”. It is usually used in work emails where the sender is trying to convey a one way message that does not require a reply.
  5. EOM: EOM stands for “End of Message”. This is used for really quick and short messages that can be understood by reading the subject. The recipient does not need to open the mail as all the content is kept in the subject line.
  6. TLTR: TLTR is an acronym used for times when you are running short on time and a long message is sent to you. It stands for “Too Long To Read” and indicates the sender that you need a brief summary of their mail.
  7. HTH: HTH is typically used when responding to someone who is thanking you for some valuable help or guidance. It means “Hope That Helps”.
  8. LET: LET refers to “Leaving Early Today”. It informs people, especially in a group message of an office or any other organization, that you are leaving early so that they reach out to you if they need anything.
  9. PRB: PRB is written in time-sensitive mails. It stands for “Please Reply By” and requests the recipient to reply by a certain date or time to avoid late replies.
  10. WFH: WFH stands for “Working From Home” and informs the recipient that you are working remotely that particular day.
  11. TL;DR: TL;DR is usually written next to the summary of a massive mail. It stands for “Too Long; Didn’t Read. It might also be used by some people as a response to an email that is too long for them to invest their time in.
  12. LMK: LMK is an informal way to end an email asking the recipient for their opinion. It stands for “Let Me Know”.
  13. FYI: If you need to add a side-note to an email, use the abbreviation FYI meaning “For Your Information”.
  14. TYT: TYT stands for “Take Your Time” and is used when you need a work done, but it is not urgent.
  15. IDK: IDK is an informal abbreviation used in the body of a mail that stands for “I Don’t Know”.
  16. SIM: SIM stands for “Subject Is Message” and this is also used for conveying messages quickly without having to open the mail. A short series of words is written after the abbreviation SIM in the subject mail.
  17. NSFW: NSFW is used for emails that might be inappropriate and are “Not Safe For Work”.
  18. TTYL: An informal way to say that you are busy at the moment and will have the conversation later. It stands for “Talk To You Later”.
  19. SFW: SFW stands for “Safe For Work”. It is used for letting the recipient know that the mail safe to open, even though the file or article name may not seem appropriate.
  20. OOO: OOO is a standard acronym used when you are not in the office and stands for “Out Of Office”.
  21. Y/N: Y/N saves the recipient time by asking for only a “Yes or No” answer.
  22. EOD: EOD stands for “End of Day”. It denotes that a mail or work will be sent or should be received before the day ends.
  23. IMO: IMO is a down-to-earth way of sending a feedback mail when voicing your opinion. It stands for “In My Opinion”.
  24. EOW: Similar to EOD, EOW denotes that a work shall be sent or should be received before the week ends and stands for “End of Week”.
  25. BTW: BTW, which means “By The Way”, is usually used when there was something that you forgot to mention the last email.
  26. FWIW: A humble way to give feedback on something. It denotes “For What It’s Worth”.
  27. OT: OT stands for “Off Topic”. It is used in an email thread to indicate that the particular reply is in no way related to the topic at hand.
  28. NONB: Used in the subject line, NONB meaning “Non-Business”, denotes that the sent mail is not related to work or business.
  29. 1L: 1L stands for “One Liner” which is used at the beginning of the subject to let the recipient know the entire message is in the subject line.
  30. ASAP: Another informal abbreviation ASAP meaning “As Soon As Possible” that denotes the urgency of a feedback.

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Using abbreviations and acronyms is a very smart way to convey your messages accurately with much more efficiency. It has direct meanings that guide you to the core of what the sender wants to inform you. Knowledge about it keeps you well-informed about the current trend of short forms used in most messages and mails to save time and be quick in completing tasks.

Read Full Article Here - Top 30 Most Common Email Acronyms & Abbreviations You Must Be Aware Of

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