Friday, June 8, 2018

Life In A Digital Age | Growing Addiction To Smartphones

While standing in line at your local coffee shop for your next caffeine fix, have you ever stopped for a moment and looked around? Let’s say 5 people are in front of you in line, and 3 more behind. What are the chances that at least half of them are on their smartphone?

As a society, we simply can no longer turn a blind eye to the growing addiction to our phones. The presence of this addiction is evident across demographic lines. Perhaps the most concerning is our younger generations.

This, of course, is not to say that smartphones are ruining society. They have brought each of us incredible advances that have made our lives better in various aspects. However, room for improvement always exists in the best.

The Addiction

Is it an addiction, our smartphone usage? Naturally, this depends on the level of usage and how it is interfering with the individual’s daily life. According to David Greenfield, psychologist and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Connecticut, the average adult checks their phone between 50 to 300 times a day.

digital life

What are some of the symptoms that your phone usage is headed in the wrong direction?

  • Interference with sleep
  • Trouble with accomplishing responsibilities at work or home
  • Reduction in time with family and friends
  • Someone speaking with you and not giving them your full attention, instead scrolling through your phone while they are speaking

Is there a feasible solution for people who experience some, or all, of these symptoms?


One of the more common movements across all ages and demographics is to take 1 day a week for a “digital detox”. This would include, naturally, all electronic devices. What could be the biggest hurdle to overcome as this practice is initiated?

For our younger generations, there is a phenomenon present called “FOMO”, which stands for fear of missing out. The trick with the digital detox is to establish a sense of balance in life. It’s imperative to recognize that complete abstinence from digital devices for young people can, and usually does, cause harm to them.

Apple Steps Up

At the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, developers will unveil software to assist people in becoming less attached to their mobile device. This initiative is named Digital Health.

Look for these features to be built into iOS 12. There will be tools integrated into the settings that will let the user know how much time they have spent on their device as well as in specific applications.

App Maintenance

Now that we have recognized the necessity of keeping a sense of balance as it pertains to our digital life, let’s take a moment and look at how it is that the apps we love so much function smoothly.

What is APM? Application Performance Management, also known as Application Performance Monitoring, is the keystone of why your treasured apps work as flawlessly as they do.


As an app goes through the day, something has to be at work on the backend to keep it running smoothly and alert the necessary personnel when an issue occurs. That is what APM is, and does. It monitors the app and when trouble arises, the necessary party can identify the issue and resolve it quickly.

Appoptics offers an analogy that best describes APM in a way anyone can understand. Consider an MRI machine. When something goes wrong with the human body, an MRI can reveal what otherwise would be difficult if not impossible to see without it. Hence, APM is the same in that regard as the MRI machine.

As you enjoy your smartphone in a more responsible manner, you can have a greater appreciation of how and why it works as seamlessly as it does.

Read Full Article Here - Life In A Digital Age | Growing Addiction To Smartphones

from TechGYD.COM



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