Monday, May 7, 2018

Tech & Gadgets for Law Enforcement

Keeping knowledge and information safe is more important than ever.The way our security industry works has changed significantly over the last decade. There are a number of emerging concerns like crime,theft, murder risks that need to be addressed in order to remain efficient and secure. However, as the market evolves and the threat becomes more complicated, greater security needs to be ensured. Here are few technologies and devices helping police forces in different situations:

StarChase GPS Tag Launcher:

StarChase is a Virginia, USA based company specializing in giving tech solutions for law enforcement. Its unique product called StarChase GPS Tag has made quite a wave as this technology helps drastically reduce fatal situations for police officers, general public as well as offenders or criminals on the run. as one must have watched numerous crazy runoffs by criminals and juveniles in countries like USA, the offenders really go crazy and in the melee many innocent lives are lost as they keep hitting unspecting times, even police officers meet with fatal ends.

To minimize fatalities, danger and empower law enforcement ,StarChase has come out with a device called‘StarChase GPS Tag Launcher’ which is mounted on the front grille of police car and when activated launches big darts fitted with a GPS tracker which goes and sticks on the rear of offenders’ vehicle. Once that is done,there is no need for Hollywood style of chase and all the dangers accompanying it. Police can take it easy as GPS keeps informing about real time location of the guy on the run. The officer remains on the street, a potentially dangerous pursuit is avoided, and the offender can then be safely apprehended giving a go by to high risk flight situations.

Law enforcers have also noticed that once police stops chasing the vehicle,there is a quick return to sanity in the offenders too as they also don’t want to die. The cooling time actually makes it easier for police officers to comprehend the offender easily. This is one device which is yet to make a mark in India as US style of chase rarely happens in India. But as roads get better, vehicles and people crazier, this is one device that would of real help to law enforcers here.

Oncam 180 Degree Outdoor Camera:

For a really wide and comprehensive view, the Oncam 180-degree camera range meets the needs of customers in a variety of markets that require a purpose-built wall mounted camera with Panoramic+ views from a single sensor.

Environments that benefit from this unique view include education,hospitality, casinos, banking, retail and transportation, which demand monitoring large walkways, open spaces and corridors without blind-spots. and Oncam is certainly a leader in this category.

Staqu AI SmartGlass:

The AI powered smart glass is good for personal security as it is capable for both, speech and image recognition, and thus, can be used to identify potential threats to the civil society, such as criminals, intruders or terrorists, lurking around or amidst us. The smart glass has an in-built camera which captures input to trigger Facial Recognition. Once the face is identified from within the given databases, the Smart Glass projects the results on the glass screen. The entire process happens in real-time as the user simply glances over the vicinity. Even in wild scenarios, the Smart Glass by Staqu first-of-its-kind technology fuses together speech and image recognition to utilize a hybrid identification technology and uniquely identify anyone.

H Robocop:

H-Bots Robotics Pvt Ltd is a company which specializes in the field of robotics and automation. The company has developed smart policing robot. The “Robocop” will help police handle law and order. The robot can file complaints, detects bombs and answers queries.He is named after 26/11 martyr Hemant Karkare. It is designed to protect private and public areas like malls, offices, airports etc. It can also be used as an assisting in database handling, surveillance, and space security.

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